Stamtavla för cavalier king charles spaniel / Pedigree for
NORD UCH INT UCH Sperringgårdens Cebastian
Apricot Gossip
NORD UCH INT UCH Sperringgårdens Cebastian
SE UCH Sperringgårdens Cezanne
FI UCH Lagoon Dany
FI UCH Poplicorn Georgie Boy
Kindrum Roulette
Ttiweh Winter Sweet
Lagoon Dida
NORD UCH Charlottentown Imperial Red
FI UCH Kindrum Fennel
NORD V-82 NORD UCH INT UCH Sperringgårdens Zamantha
NORD UCH INT UCH Crisdig Pumpkin
GB CH Lansola Cornish Settler of Crisdig
GB CH Crisdig Buttons
Speringgårdens Casandra
NORD UCH INT UCH Stormkappans Elfin Prince
NORD UCH Stormkappans Quality
Sperringgårdens Corinne
Kindrum Laddie
Kindrum Roulette
GB CH Rose Mullion of Ottermouth
Kindrum Venus
Witsend Gay Deceiver
Rosemar Ulysses of Leynsord
Wayerange Mustardseed
NORD UCH INT UCH Crisdig Pumpkin
GB CH Lansola Cornish Settler of Crisdig
GB CH Crisdig Buttons
NORD UCH INT UCH Sperringgårdens Cherubia
NORD UCH INT UCH Stormkappans Elfin Prince
SE UCH FI UCH Sperringgårdens Cim
Apricot Gossip
FI UCH Homerbrent Limelight
Homerbrent Flash Harry
GB CH Homaranne Andy Capp
Bonnyglen Jasper of Blagreaves
GB CH Homerbrent Captivation
GB CH Homerbrent Lindy Lou
GB CH Rose Mullion of Ottermouth
Homerbrent Harmony
Homerbrent Sunshine
GB CH Homerbrent Samson
IE CH GB CH Tnegun Charivari
GB CH Homerbrent Samantha
Ogwell Lucille of Homerbrent
Homerbrent Crisdig Reflection
Merle of Stoneyhurst
FI UCH Apricot Elfin-Sunbeam
FI UCH Poplicorn Georgie Boy
Kindrum Roulette
GB CH Rose Mullion of Ottermouth
Kindrum Venus
Ttiweh Winter Sweet
Pargeter Fuji of Kindrum
Gypsy Moth of Ttiweh
Apricot Diana
NORD UCH INT UCH Highstone Quality Fair
GB CH Rose Mullion of Ottermouth
Chriscebeer Chantilly
SE UCH FI UCH Alansmere Made to Measure
Cocklehill Para
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-03-05 / Page updated 5 Mar 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-03-04 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 4 Mar 2025